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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  September 13, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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tone. we'll tell you about a new interview with that reporter. and a special dateline hidden camera report on what kids are doing when their parents aren't around. and crossing the line. some people are talking about this one on the internet. is cher too old wear what she wore last night at the vma awards? we'll hear both sides. right now on msnbc, president obama is talking about the economy and taxes in fairfax, virginia. the president just wrapped up a meeting with la local family. the nicholas armstrong family. the president is now in the backyard outside hosting a discussion on the economy. about 30 families for the area are with the president to keep an year an eye on this event and bring you any development from it. backed to the mixed signals there seems to be about whether republicans are willing to compromise on tax cuts for the middle class that president obama is pushing for. today a spokesman for the li senate's republican, mitch mcconnell says every senate
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republican will oppose the president's plan if the tax cuts don't include the wealthiest americans. this weekend john boehner said he would consider extending those tax cuts to the middle class, but his deputy is not backing that possible compromise. richard wolffe is an nbc political news analyst. richard, though it's not just republicans showing mixed signals, y have house democrats reds districts who are also apparentlyconcerned. >> reporter: right. well this is all about appearing like you're in tune with the middle class. not unlike having having the president show up in your yard in fairfax this afternoon. it's the difference between the need to be in tune withd voter and a strategy republicans have deployed vy effectively, a discipline strategy that as mcconnell has said, means that every single republican senator will oppose the obama administration on a major piece of legislation like thi
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so when john boehner, the house minority leader goes out and says this may be acceptable in some part, it kind of weakens that strategy, which has been effective in congress, but does not put voters in line with ere they want to be. >> we talk about celebrities having a twitter war. there was a twitter war of words between mr. boehner and robert gibbs. what can you tell me about this? >> reporter: yes, this is going back and forth with the inside technology here. it's a baseball version of debate inside washington. it gets pretty personal. now just about the policy side of things. robert gibbs, the press secretary of the white house has a swipe at boehner's complplepc and fake tan. taking the high road and low
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road, both of them on twitter. ear on that an event. the president is talking to 30 people in one neighborhood. and we have breaking news out of venezuel where a plane with 51 peoplen board has crashed. rescue crews and investigators are at the scene now. officials say at least 21 people survived this terrible crash. these are the pictures coming into us. the plane was trav there is no word on what caus this crash. and legalized recreational marijuana could become a reality in california. on election day residents will vote on proposition 19 which will take away criminal penalties for people 21 an older for possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. former dea administrator says it
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will be a big mistake. >> safety in the streets will be jeopardi jeopardized, on the highways, in the workplace, everywhere. proposition 19 is simply a to pathway, not to dice, but to disaster. >> nbc news correspondent pete williams joins us live. that's one side of the argument. what is the other side saying? >> the other side is number one, the war on drugs is a large failure, especially as it has police cracking down on the u.s. use of marijuana, which isn't worth the effort. 400,000 people in california use it legally. many more us it illegally. they also say if california were they could marijuana tax it. and former officials of mexico
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say california were to do this it would put a big dent in the profits of the drug cartels and could be the beginning of an end of a crippling of the cartels. they hope it does pass. there's support from some law enforcement organizations, the naacp in california, for example, supports it. they safe african-americans have been disproportionately targeted, arrestednd jailed in marijuana crackdowns. but among the opponents are some of the top elected officials, dianne feinstein, for example, the senator from california is the co-chairman of a group o oppose it. the current obama administration's opini was addressed by the drug czar. he agrees with all s predecessors that it will be a bad idea. whatever it makes for california, it would cost more in law enforcement and health care costs. >> it's so interesting you bring up the drug cartels.
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the numbers estimate 60% of the money those cartels make is profit from pot. i was blown away. no pun intended by that. i couldn't believe it. you associate cocaine and those other more expensive drugs. but how much money is being spent by botsides to get the word out on this? to try to win over the voters? >> not as much as the st. in the past the initiatives have attracted big bucks from donors all over the country. they seem to be largely sitting this one out. some believe if this initiative were on the ballot two years from now, more liberal voters would go to the polls attracted by the presidential election. because they think this is hastily drafted. it's not seeing huge amounts of money some in the past have attracted. >> alstht hour. hurricane igor is churning over
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the atlantic. take a look at the images we've gotten. the powerful cat four storm could increase to a cat five day's end. and then there's tropical storm julia on the heels of igor. weather channel meteorologist nick walker is tracking both storms for us. let's start first, nick, with igor. what's the latest? >> igor, it's a strong hurricane, as you mentioned. not yet a category five, but as you mentioned very well could be. if it does it will be the first category five hurricane since 2007. we have another tropical disturbance moving through the caribbean. may not get a name. as it moves towards the caribbean it will eventually wind up in mexico, it looks like. julia is gaining a little bit of strength. right in the middle we have igor, a well formed huinrricane. 150 miles an hour winds in the center. good news for the islands here. it's expected to turn north.
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the leeward islands off the hook. bermuda may not be. it's in the path here. but we have a long time to watc this all the way into the weekend as it weakens a little bit. >> what a busy season already for you. it's been something. thank you, nick. the nfl and the jets are investigating allegations that players sexually harassed a tv reporter at practice this weekend. she was at the jets practice to interview mark sanchez. playerare accused of verb bli taunting rlher, hurling footbal in her direction at practice. she sweeted a series of commente tweeting, quote, i am dying of embarrassment. i am waiting for mark sanchez trying not to look anywhere. in the last few hours sainz said she never felt attacked or endangered. she sals said she never reported any harassment. joining us from his studio in
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philadelphia, msnbc contributor michael spooichael smerconish. people are talking about, a, the tweets, what she wore, what do you say a about all this? >> well i just googled images of ines sainz all under the category of research, and holy smokes, you have to see some of the outfits she has worn on a variety of sidelines. i will sound like i'm defending their behavio but can you really be surprised when they lob passes in her direction so they can walk in her vicity? i'mcertainly not. this is not the way most reporters, i would say dress on a sideline. >> yeah, but michael -- listen -- i want to put up her twitter. i have so much so say about this. the reality is no matter what she has on and, i'm a woman, i'm going to say it, she's got
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fitted jeans son, she looks great, but you see a lot of women onpanish language televisions and even cable news who dressmo more modern than th man's tailored suit. with that said, i don't care what had on, if they are quote/unquote cat calling her and verbally harassing her, that's a problem if you're 200, 20 or 2, you should know better. >> i know the argument. i'm not equating this with her. i know the argument says, i mean, even hookers can be raped. i get all that. but by the same token. come on. first of all, what did they do so offensive to her? recollection ryan threw passes deliberately too far and one of the other coaches so guys would have to go her. when she came into the locker room, they took note. if there's anything degrading
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they said to her. in high school we would say the pants are painted on. that's what they look like to me. she wants you to look in that direction or she wouldn't dress like that. >> i don't know what her intentions are. but i imagine that we, as women, dress a certain way, not necessarily for every tom, dick, and harry to say that we look nice. sometimes you dress that way maybe for herself. i don't know what she was trying to catch, attention or catch a football. the bottom line is, it's not relevant to the fact that she was harassed. if she feels that way. and, i should also point out, where she lear stands. she says that she didn't file a complaint, she never felt harassed. i'm still trying to process how we got here in the first place. >> if they were checking her out. as they regarded her as something easy on the eyes i have no problem with it. if they said something that crossed the line, i would never defend it. what did she say? i die of embarrassment?
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really? put on more clothes. >> she said she was in the locker room and didn't want to look anywhere. i interpret that as looking down because you have men in towels and you don't want to accidentally see something. neverthe, michael, her putting on clothes, is that really the issue? have you ever seen the scene in new york? it happens all the time. you're walking down the street. construction worker says you're hot. just the other day this man says to me, you're hot. thanks a lot. i wasn't soliciting you. it doesn't matter how we as women look, the behavior of the man is in question, or men in this case, not the woman. don't you think? >> tamron, i get it. tired of being treated like eye candy mysf. i know how it is for you in new york. >> i'm going to end this here, by saying you look hot, michael smerconish. >> so do you, tamron. >> smack you on the butt if i were near you.
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>> absolutely. >> that was t strangest conversation we've had together. the search is on for four people missing after last thursday's gas explosion. four bodies have been discovered included 44-year-old jacqueline and her daughter. as well as 20-year-old jessica morales. california officials have alsod ordered pacific gas and electric to inspect all of the thousands of miles of natural gas pipelines throughout the state. about 50 homes were destroyed at last week's explosion. dozens more were damaged. let's get the latest from nbc's lee cowan. what is going tora happen? insurance with their futures, i know there's a meeting with officis now. >> reporter: yeah, the meeting started a little whiling a. these people's homes were red tagged or yellow tagged. red tagged they weren't able to go back. yellow tag meant they were able to go back and are retrieve belongings. they weren't able to stay. it's structurally unsound.
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the meeting was try to figure out how long the process will be. if not, what do they do in terms of insurance? residents are frustrated there's not many answers. there's not a lot of ansrs to anything, including what caused the pipeline to rupture. there's two investigations going on. the state already asked the owner of the pipeline to go back and look at 5,000 miles gas lines. especially the high pressure runs that run near neighborhoods to double check that this can't happen again. on the other side there's a federal investigation. the ntsb is loking at a large chunk of that pipe. was corrosion? was it previous construction going on at the time? was it mental fatigue? all the things they're trying to figure out what may have caused
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it. at this point they still don't know. >> thank you very much, lee. the family of an american hiker detained in iran says they cannot pay the $500,000 needed to get her home for release. that's the bail iran is asking for. what now happens? the latest on the delicate negotiations coming up. plus, kate snow will join me live with a hidden camera report on what kids are doing when their parents aren't looking. and cher's jaw dropping appearance at the mtv movie awards. she's 64. she looks good. was the outfit crossing a line? it's a hot topic on the internet. [ male announcer ] only rogaine is proven to regrow hair in 85% of guys. puhh puhh puhh putt and that's it. [ male announcer ] stop losing. start gaining.
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[ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fit fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new ber am. the morning pain reliever.
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this morning a special commissions meeting opened a first trial since impeachment trial of president clinton. this new orleans judge is facing four charges involving payoff, kickbacks and lying under oath. e house voting unanimously in march to impeach the march. he's been suspended with pay sie 2008. there are a reports of the family of the american hiker in prison may be having trouble coming up with the bail. sarah shourd's family says they cannot raise the $500,000 that iran's prosecutors want to set her free. shourd's lawyers say the swiss diplomats who handle it are asking the bai be reduced or dropped all together. let's get the latest from stephanie gosk in london. this may not be the case about having the money, it's about how to get the money through the
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oper channels in iran? >> yeah, that could be the hangup at this point. the u.s. does not have any diplomatic relations with iran, there are sanctions against the it could be they don't ve the mechanism to transfer that money. there may have to be one off to get the money over there. there have been reports that the family can't afford it. either way the money is not there. if it were there. then she would be released. and she wod be out. . she would be able to leave the country. she has to face espionage charges. the origal hangup over the weekend was the power struggle between president ahmadinejad and the judiciary when they announced they were going to release and the judiciary said you can't do that. iranialaw.ation of
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we saw a compromise between the two over the weekend. so it's unclear when or if she's ever going to be released. >> there are reports this was a embarrassment r president ahmadinejad, stephanie. >> well, it was. it was a very public announcement from the foreign ministry. what you're seeing is is power struggle in iran. it's been ov the last year. there have been a lot of jocking for power in that country. . andis is between two conservative groups. this is not a liberal group versus a conrvative. the jew dish rare has been dupst th ahmadinejad that the past for no paying enoughheed to iranian slaw. they said no, you n't do that. you can't release her. you have to impose this bail. you're going to play by our rules a little bit. so you're also dealing with this battle that has this young's woman life in the balance.
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tamron? >> stephanie gosk live for us from the london bureau, thank you. a high school football player suffers a heart attack ter scorg the winning touchdown. what happened next? and we would like to know what you think aboutny of the stories we are covering today. go to my twitter is on fire. ♪ we could've gone a more traditional route... ... but it wouldn't have been nearly as memorable. ♪
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step away from the internet. schedule no meetings. hold all your phone cas. for the next hour, there will be no agenda. marie callender's invites you back to lunch, es with a new line of fresh recipes. like chicken teriyaki with crisp water chestnuts. it steain minutes, giving the fresh flavors and textur of a homemade meal. marie's new steamed meals. it's time to savor. boss: and now i'll turn it over mgecko: ah, thank you, sir.ic as we all know, geico has been saving people money on rv, camper and trailer insurance... well as torcycle insurance... gecko: oh...sorry, technical difficulties. boss: uh...what about this? gecko: what's this one do? gecko: um...maybe that one. ♪ dance music boss: ok, let's keep rolling. we're on motorcycle insurance. vo: take fifteen minutes to see how much you can save on motorcycle, rv, and camper insurance.
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before weight watchers, my world was can't. but now. lose weight. can. live. can. stand here and not suck' in a thing... i can. and you can too. [ female announcer ] hurry. join now and get a month free. weight watchers. because it works. [ female announcer ] hurry. join now and get a month free. no oil has flowed into the gulf for weeks, but it's just the beginning of our work. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. my job is to listen to the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel and restaurant workers and find ways to help. that means working with communities. we have 19 centers in 4 states. we've made over 120,000 claims payments, more than $375 million. we've committed $20 billion to an independent claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. we'll keep looking for oil, fi cleaning it up if we find it and restoring the gulf coast.
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i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. bp is gonna be here until the oil is gone and the people and businesses are back to normal... until we make this right. we try to teach our kids all the right lessons when they face critical decisions, but are parents getting through? in tonight'se dateline nbc a special hour puts parents and kids to the test. here's dateline nbc's kate snow. >> reporter: we all try to be good parents, but are we being effective? to find out we met a group of
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parents who allowed us to secretly video tape their children in challenging situations. have they taught their kids the right thing when it comes to letting a stranger in the house? >> we lose, now. we lose. that was your fault. >> or how about this? getting in a car with someone they think has been drinking. >> what's going on inside right now? heart is racing. >> reporter: these teens have no idea the other kids in the room are actors hired by dateline. one of them is pretending to be drinking. >> i was drinking this morning. it's my birthday. >> they think they're here to audition for a reality tv show. in fact, they parents are here watching what they'll do. >> as far as he knows he's been inking out of the bottle and half of it is gone. >> that's when the producer tells the group to drive over to the studio and gives the trekkis to the actor pretending to be
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drunk. will anyone object? despite what ty've been taught about the dangers of drinking and driving, everyone hops? >> i was scared. >> why? >> because he was drinking. >> but you still went? >> yeah. >> reporter: it's disappointeding, but according to experts, no surprise. >> those kids aren't alone. the majority of kids would get in the car. >> reporter: we'll try it again with another group of kids hoping for a different result and looking for ways to make the important parenting lessons stick. kate snow is here with me now. you get chills, a the reality is most kids would get in the car. >> exactly. it's not just those teenagers. it's what we're doing to enable them to get out of a situation that's critical. do we give them the tools they need to be able to say, no, i can't get in this car. one, talk about this as a serious thing, drunk driving, but say what you'll do. what will you punish them? what will you do if they get in
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the car with a drunk driver. they can use that as a way of saving face.ll they can say, it's all my mom, my mom won't let me get in a car. she'll take away my license. that gives them a way to blame the parents. >> a way out. the other thing a text message as simple as 111. say that means, i need help. i need you to come and get me. rescue me from a bad sichx. >> it is amazing these topics you're talking about. myll mother used to tell parent who came into the school and said my kids would never do. she said neverch say what your child will not do. >> ri ght. nt. it gives parents lessons on how to talk to your kids. bullying, stranger danger. you think saying don't open the door is enough?
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it's not enough. >> frently enough they can talk to you. but still being a parent to say there are consequences. amazing. can't wait to see it. the perils of parents tonight at 10:0 9:00 central. the imam behind the proposed islamic center spoke out today. he is still talking about resolving this crisis. we'll have the latest on the controversy in a live report. and teen pop sensation justin bieber hits the stage pen the mtv awards. howd did he do? and was he singing live? details next in the scoop. [ rumbling ] [ air whooshing ] [ crunch! ] [ male announcer ] 11 grams of delicious whole grain. one mighty toasted crunch. new wheat thins crunch stix. the crunch is calling. that's not how successful investing is done. at e-trade it's harnessing some of the most powerful yet easy to use trading tools on the planet
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aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now-ur allergy relief, comes in a liquid gel. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. welcome ck. the imam behind the proposed islamic center and mosque behind ground zero now says talks are in progress to resolve the controversy surrounding the project.
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imam feisal abdul rauf made the comments in new york today in a speech before the counsel of foreign rations. what else can you tell us, and more specifically, what does he mean that everything is on the table? >> well, that's a good question. i wish i could answer it. the problem is he did not reveal a lot of specifics. he basically says he is trying to create a space in that center that will be much more acceptableo th community. he'sti talked about creating religious spaces for others. he's talking about making known the donors, the people who pay for this. heha wonuldn't say what concesss he would make. here's what he said when asked what are you going to try to do. >> we are exploring all options as we speak right now. and we are working through what will be a solution, god willing. that will resolve this crisis,
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diffuse it, and not create any of the unforeseene circumstance that we do not want to see happen. everything is on the table. >> one possibili is also calling a timeout or freeze on the project to try to take the emotion out of the environment. he also thinks things may calm down now that the anniversary has passed. . he believes the controversy is fueled by politicians. >> a lot of people, both sides of this debate showed up down there. >> he's mindful ofit. he doesn't harp on that, but he's aware of these things. he said when he started the whe idea, he never foresaw this would happen. that's a bit naive. i hate to use that word, but it's a bit naive being in such a kald ron near ground zero. american voters think muslims
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have a right to build it. 70% say yes, they have the right. 28% say no. 28% say it's appropriate. acknowledging it's right but it may be insensitive. >> right. very few people think this group do not have a right to do stit. just like the pastor in florida has the right to burn the koran, but it's not a smart thing to do. another major arrest in the war on drugs. i he is known as el grande. the presumed leader of a cartel. he faces at least seven investigations of drug trafficking. he was captured by mexican marines on sunday. they used armored vehicles to corner him. they say he gave up without a fight. el grande's arrest is the fourth major blow delivered to drug
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cartels in the past year. now to decision 2010 and a look ahead at the final big primaries of the season tomorrow. we're watching a few critical races, including delaware. the republican primary there is pitting prominent republicans in delaware and outside the state against each other. sarah palin, jim demint. backing christine o'donne. the republican establishment backing mike castle, who has en in office for decades. more money from outside of the state has been sent in than any other race in history. >> exactly. this is a fascinating race. we've seen already where the tea party has made dents. it comes in delaware, which is, of course, a solidly democratic state normally. mike castle, the long-time office holder in that state who is always considered the front-runner in this contest.
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in comes christine o'donnell. she's backed by the tea party. also sarah palin. south carolina senator jim demint. that's starting to fuel her candidacy. there were polls that showed castle was way ahead. one recent poll showed o'donnell making up ground. we don't know. it's hard to poll these primaries. particularly a close primary like delaware. but this is definitely one race to watch ndtomorrow. >> and new york, what are we watching there. of course, charlie rangel is one name. >> he has a primary. a lot of people have forgotten about that in the midst of all the ethics trouble he's had. his challenger is adam clayton powell iv. this is certainly a race to watch going into thit. you would think charlie rangel would be the overwhelming front-runner. in this environment and in the past we have seen people who have had primaries and people who have had ethical issues end up losing the primaries. we're watching this race as
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well. >> from new york to new hampshire on your list. >> new hampshire, this was one of the top elections across the country. it's a crowded feel. the winner will take on democrat pall hose in the general election. the former attorney general of e the state is seen as the front-runner. it's a crowded field in the mix. probably one of the more competitive general election con teks in the fall. >> mark murray, thank you very much. we'll see what happens tomorrow. thank you. >> thank you. >> poort land, oregon, high school football pler is recovering today after having a heart attack and being brought back to life. a junior, made the biggest play of his life running e 45 yards score a touchdown, but then his heart gave out. a cardiac nurse happened to be in the stands, brought him back from the dead.
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you could feel his heart start beating under my hands. it's amazing to see somebody come back to life. >> i thank god for that. and i thank lisa for saving me. >> he's out for the rest of the season the doctor says if everything goes well he should be able to play football next school year. well, it is oprah's last season. you won't believe what she's ving away. her first show. got to love it. let's get the school from toy'columnist. why weren't we in the audience today? >> i was one audience away from getting a kindle aew years back. oprah winfrey announced on the season premier that everybody in the audience gets a trip to australia. more than 300 audience members getting all -- >> why australia? >> i haven't seen the episode yet. . it did tape in chicago earlier this morning. she had john travolta on hand as
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wel well. >> they have great chemistry. >> exactly. he gave toasts on her 50th birthday. really been there for a lot of monumentous occasions. she promises many more surprises through the season. which obviously ends after this year. so oprah will, however, not be leaving televion entirely. she'll be doing a show on her own networ called own, in january of this coming year. and we've been talking about the vmas this morning. one thing we haven't touched upon that much was justin an bieber's performce. >> i thought you were going to say how low his pants were. >>pants on the ground. pull up your pants, justin bieb. it was one of the first things i noticed. rrd the other thing i noticed is syncing is.e his lip
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i feel like it's the last unforgivable live performance event. do we have a clip of bieber? we have nhing of him. >> okay, that's tragic. if you can't pull it off, then you shouldn't be performing. >> are we sure testifies lip syncing, or is this speculation from the people on the internet? >> i have been told that it was lip syncing. he was outside. he wasn't inside doing the production. he was on the outside stage. there he is accepting an award, which he's totally worthy of. do not start tweeting me saying i'm a bieber hater. just get it together for a really important performance like this. he wasn't on it. >> i worry about the longevity of his career. >> who knows. okay. >> then finally, joaquin
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phoenix. you remember the david letterman appearance? it was the most awkwarppd letterman appearance maybe in the history. he's going back to the show. he's doing this in conjunction with his movie. he'll be on david letterman september 22nd. i cannot wait to see. >> he ended the interview. thanks for calming, joaquin. >> in some sense i hope he keeps it going. it shows david letterman at his best. he's so good in those situations and really knows how to bring the humor to the forefron there. >> for the latest entertainment news, log onto all you bieber fans, i will delete your mean tweets. i dn't say he was dog it. white house chief of staff made no seet h wants to be the mayor of chicago one day, but do the people of chicago want him as mayor?
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and the florida girl savagely beaten after sending text messages. she's on the road to recovery. an update on her situation. and motional words from her mother. you'll want to hear it. introdu, an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever. ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ on surfaces for up to 48 hours. no oil has flowed into the gulf for weeks, but it's just the beginning of our work. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. my job is to listen to the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel and restaurant workers and find ways to help.
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that means working with communities. we have 19 centers in 4 states. we've made over 120,000 claims payments, more than $375 million. we've committed $20 billion to an independent claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. 'll keep looking for oil, cleaning it up if we find it and restoring the gulf coast. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. bp is gonna be here until the oil is gone and the people and businesses are back to normal... until we make this right.
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shaky! shaky! shaky! shaky! [ laughs ] shaky! shaky! [ gasps ] and if you named your own price on car insurance, you could be picking up this tab yourself. so get allstate. you could save some cash and be better protected from mayhem like me. [ denn ] dollar for dollar nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate.
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the man charged with trying to blow up a detroit-bound jet on christmas day asked a federal judge to allow him to represent himself. moments ago he made his first court appearance since last january. he fired his legal team and recently announced they spoke to precutors about a plea deal. today the judge advised abdulmutallab against representing himself, but he was against it. nearly 300 people were aboard the flight when he tried to set off explosives hidden in his underwear. and more about the difficult road to recovery o a florida girl beaten to death.
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last march she was savagely beaten nearly to death because of a text messaging argument. a boy wearing steel tipped boots kicked her within an inch of her life. this is josie five months ago after coming out of a drug-induced coma and coming out of three brain surgeries. she has to relearn everything, including the alphabe colors and how to take a shower. her mother gave a heart wrenching interview to the "today show's" meredith vieira. >> i'm looking for her progress. i would love to see her the way she you kn, she has a lot to learn. a lot to learn. physical she's great. she looks beautiful. >> she does. >> but the insidef her brain cease novery good. >> 15-year-old wayne treacy is
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charged with josie's attempted murder. he's being trieds a an adult. a vancouver man is being held as a hero after his wife sacrificed his own life to save her and the unborn baby. erin woods says her husband swerved their car to protect her from a head-on collision with an out of control suv in washington state. he turned the car so his side of the vehicle would take the impact. he was killed. th morning erin shared her story on the "today show." >> that was a choice that he made to sacrifice himself to t keep me and theat baby safe because that's just the kind of guy he was >> well, officials have arrested 21-year-old jordan weicker. she lost control of her vehicle when she decided to remove her sweater and asked a passenger to f the suv.heel o charges are expected to be filed later today. well, she'sknown for her outlandish costum on stage.
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she's a showman after all, but at thege of 64, is singing crossing the line with this revealing outfit? we're not talking about the outfit being revealing, but the age appropriateness of it. we're going to talk about it. is that it allows me to be outside. [ male announcer ] we bet you'll love zyrtec®, too -- or it's free. [ vonetta ] it is countdown to marshmallow time. [ woman laughs ] ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ]wn to marshmallow time. [ rattling ] [ gasps ] [ rattling ] [ laughing ] [ announcer ] close enough just isn't good enough. - if your car is in an accident, - [ laughing continu ] make sure 's repaired with the right replacement parts.
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welce back. a lot of you tweeted us throughout the hour. the hot topic on my twitter is the reporter for sports reporter whose tweets led to investigations that she may have been verbally harassed by players, maybe aas coach. ines sthnz was her name. is is what she was wearing when she was covering the new york jets. . one person -- i'm trying to pull up a tweet here. basically, it didn't matter what she was weari. thank you for being our vce. mi what does it matter what she was wearing. another person says if tv
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outletsired journals instead of bikini models, maybe they would get more requests. i think a lot of journalists would take issue with that. a couple others saying she dressed inappropriately, certainly not profeionally. the reporter for her part says she was not harassed. she did not le a complaint. we're not sure who filed the complaint itself. but the nfl is investigating. and we'll trekki what happens next. in the meantime, let me know your houghts. i must get a bigger phone to read the tweets. it's impossible on this iphone. there's a lot going on today. here are things we thought you should know. if rahm emanuel enters theyor's could be instant leader. new numbers just releasefrom the polling firm show him the clear leader in a survey that
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asks about ten potential candidates. the poll does not include a margin of error. and sherrod brown is calling for the nfl to change the blackout policy. his hometown is cleveland where ntl games are not shown on tv if the games are notold out 72 hours in advance. nfl commissioner goodell says the policy is good for the league. there were about 22 blackouts last season. sherrod brown says people can't afford the tickets. they average $77 for the game. he believes you're punishing the midd class working people who want to see it but can't go. phil davidson is defending a passionate speech that may have helped him lose his campaign from treasurer. davidson says he has master's degree in communicationan he won't apologize for the tone used in the speech. it has become an internet sensation. and he says,, bically, he was being passnate. those are the things we thought
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you should know today. and finally, crossing the line, you're going to have to tell me about this one. when are you too old to wear certain things? here is cher. the legendary 64-year-old superstar was wearing, whichs what she was wearing when sheag walked out on stage last night at the mtv video music awards. even cher acknowledged theer obvious as the crowd cheered her on. so so far i'm the oldest cick with the biggest hair and the littlest costume. >> with a racy getup similar to what she wore in the1989 video for her then smash hit "if i could turn back time." so do you think cher successfully turned back time? here's one. i love che i i think she grrefuses to grow old gracefully. and this is the response.
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cher is growing oldul as gracefully as anyonecan. it's not fun getting old in show business. i'm impressed she still fits into the outfit she had on in99 1999. these are the outfits. not exactly the same. it's a little modification. it brings meo my question, do you think this is an age appropriate outfit, or if you got it, flaunt it. let us know what you think. go to to vote. i would love to know what you think about that. the results of our previous vote, should restaurants have the righ to ban screaming children? an overwhelming 93% of you saying yes. only 5% of you say no. 2% said, maybe. that wraps up this hour. i'm tamron hall. thank you for joining us agtoda. join me again tomorrow. keep the screaming kids at home. richard lui picks up the coverage after the break. what do you have richard? ♪
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